God’s Training Program

The best part of every movie in the Rocky franchise is the training montage—the footage of Rocky, finally inspired to take on the opponent he should have no business fighting, getting up early, drinking a few raw eggs, and then pounding the pavement with every neighborhood kid in tow. But the best of these (at least in my adolescent opinion) is Rocky IV, when, in the wake of Apollo Creed’s untimely death, Rocky heads to Soviet Russia to take on Ivan Drago on Christmas Day. While Drago trains on state-of-the-art equipment, Rocky does sprints in the snow and sit ups off of a hay-loft. Pumps me up every time!

Diligent high-level athletes train their bodies to perform at their peak capacity. But not every training program looks the same. Athletes hire a trainer to tailor a program specifically to fit the demands of their particular sport. This, of course, includes physical exercise and skill-enhancing drills; but these programs focus on other aspects of the athlete as well, such as his diet and mental health. While you and I may not be professional or Olympic athletes, we too are enlisted in a tailor-fitted, comprehensive training program: the paideia of our Heavenly Father.

We normally see this word translated as discipline, as it is in Hebrews 12:

And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons:
My son, do not take the Lord’s discipline lightly or lose heart when you are reproved by him, (Heb 12:5)

While we may think of discipline as God’s “rod of correction” on our lives—the flat tire we get on the way to work after we scream at our kids on the way out the door; or the shopaholic who has their credit card information stolen; or the alcoholic who suffers from cirrhosis. And yes, these types of situations are in, in one way or another, a form of God’s training His children. However, His training takes many other forms.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

The moment you believed in Christ to save us, God put a Trainer inside of you. So, while we will look at a few different methods the Father employs to mold us into the image of His Son, all of them involve the work of the Holy Spirit. Though I’m kicking off the list with the work of the Spirit, it’s right to think of all them as sub-categories underneath this umbrella label.

Sometimes, though, the Spirit is the only tool God uses as He course-corrects His children through the prodding and conviction of His Holy Spirit. That nudge you feel when you say something you shouldn’t have; the prick in your heart when you’re watching a movie that you know you have no business watching; or the check in your spirit in the middle of the argument with your spouse—though seemingly insignificant and rather painless, this is an important tool in God’s kit for training His children. If we listen and obey when the Holy Spirit prompts, the training may stop there for today. No further work necessary.

The Work of the Word

Our loving Father also works through the power of His Word. No other document or book can match the power of God’s living, active word. Indeed, Scripture has the ability to cut through all of our excuses and disguises and accurately “judge the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). James likens the Word to a mirror for its ability to accurately reveal to us our need to change.

Let’s admit it. Sometimes this “rod” of God stings. Have you ever been sitting in church, listening to the sermon and wondering, “Did the pastor spy on me this week? How did he know to say that?” It’s not the pastor, my friend, it’s the Holy Spirit. And He’s not spying; He’s training. He’s chipping away at everything that’s not the image of Christ. No better tool than His Word.

Of course, it may not be a sermon. It may be your own time in the Word, a Bible study, a podcast, or just a conversation with a friend. Any time the Word is open, expect a training session.

The Work of the Body of Christ

Not only does our Father discipline us through the prompting of the Holy Spirit or through the Sword of the Spirit; He also trains us as we interact with other believers in Christ. Solomon gives us a proverbial picture:

Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another. (Pro 27:17)

When we interact with other believers during a Sunday morning fellowship time, a small group Bible study, a prayer gathering, or at any other time, we should experience a little training. Maybe it’s a conversation about a trial that one of you is going through. Perhaps she models Christlikeness in the midst of grave suffering. Or maybe he is able to help you think biblically about a work or parenting issue you’re facing. Time with the body of Christ ought to be more than just a social outing. It is an opportunity for growth. It’s a tool the Father looks to use to train His children and to shape each of them into the form of His Son.

The Work of Unbelievers

Not only do believers discipline us, but unbelievers as well. Maybe God has placed a difficult person in your path and asked you to demonstrate the love of Christ to him or her. Or maybe a prodigal child has chosen a sinful lifestyle, and as a result you’ve had to face your own pride. Perhaps a friend or coworker constantly questions your faith, causing you to answer for why you believe the way you do. Or, finally, you might live with an unbeliever in your home, someone who tolerates your faith but is always watching for when you mess up. These are just a handful of the countless ways God may want to use unbelievers in the lives of His children to help them grow in holiness.

The Work of Circumstances

Finally, yes, God certainly never wastes a single circumstance in our lives. Each one is providentially, lovingly, and intentionally designed with our sanctification in mind. God is the perfect Father. While we parents often miss opportunities to train our children or discipline them in the wrong way, our Heavenly Father never makes such missteps. He has ordained every circumstance in our day to point us to Him. It maybe a sunrise that takes our breath away and moves us to worship. Or maybe it’s a computer glitch at the worst possible moment. Whatever the circumstance—and however severe or insignificant it may be—we must not take it lightly or lose heart when our Father is training us.

His methods are varied and persistent. They may take us far beyond our own capacity to obey, but that’s by design. The paideia of our compassionate Heavenly Father will never ever take us one step beyond the reach of His matchless grace.

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